27-29 May 2025 | Brasilia, Brazil

The conference "Overcoming the Barriers to Food Systems Transformation - Coherent Policies and Equity-sensitive Solutions to Simultaneously Fight Hunger and Malnutrition, Biodiversity Loss and the Climate Crisis" will take place in Brasilia, Brazil, on 27-29 May 2025.
The conference will showcase concrete solutions, policies and actions to address political economy barriers at the intersection of food systems, nutrition, climate, biodiversity, livelihoods, equality and other related policy agendas, that can be adapted and replicated in different contexts.
In its fifth edition, the One Planet Network’s Sustainable Food Systems Programme intends to make a substantial contribution to inspire and encourage policymakers to take bold decisions in the key policy fora in 2025, such as the UNFSS+4 Stocktaking Moment and UNFCCC COP30.
Furthermore, the event will provide a space for Rio Convention negotiators, officials in food systems-relevant line ministries in collaboration with their Food Systems National Convenors, as well as UNFSS coalitions and other relevant multi-actor initiatives and further food systems actors, to gain a better understanding, guidance, tools and resources to deepen their collective efforts towards more equitable and sustainable food systems pathways, including by adopting a Right to Food based approach and promoting the coherent implementation of their nutrition, climate, biodiversity, and other relevant commitments.