GLOBAL | 15 FEBRUARY 2022, 10:00–11:30 | VIRTUAL, CET

Rural youth in Africa need more and better jobs in sustainable agri-food systems. Creating decent employment and income opportunities is essential to reduce poverty, improve food security and provide a future for young people in rural areas. The seminar brings together policy makers, youth representatives, business managers and development practitioners to discuss main challenges and solutions for youth employment in agri-food systems – from strengthening existing and developing new value chains, the business enabling environment, the development of business and job opportunities, to the role of young people in sustainable food systems transformation.
After keynotes setting the scene, the discussion will focus on the most effective ways to support and empower youth, enabling them to contribute to and benefit from sustainable rural livelihoods and food value chain systems: How to get on track and which actors need to deliver what? How can the agricultural sector attract and retain young people? How can sustainability be made profitable? How to achieve scale? It will also touch on the role of donor organizations and “what works” in project implementation.
Confirmed speakers include:
Martin Hoppe, Head of Division on Food and Nutrition Security, Global Food Policy, Fisheries at the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Janet Edeme, Head of Rural Development Division, African Union´s Commission Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Development (AUC-DARBE)
Leonard Mizzi, Head of Unit, European Commission, DG INTPA F3 – Sustainable Agri-Food Systems and Fisheries
Rahmat Eyinfunjowo, Co.Founder & CEO, NOURISHING AFRICA
Bimal Kantaria, Chairperson, Agriculture Sector Network (ASNET) Kenya
James Odede, Co-Founder & CEO, LAKEHUB Kenya
Ariel Halpern, Vice President, PROCASUR
The session is organized by the GIZ GLOBAL PROJECT ON RURAL EMPLOYMENT WITH A FOCUS ON YOUTH in partnership with the above-mentioned institutions and organizations.