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Skills for Youth. Investing in human capital in Latin America and the Caribbean


As a new social, economic and political order is being reconfigured in the post-pandemic world, 165 million young people in Latin America and the Caribbean face a rapidly changing present lacking the skills they need. To navigate complex realities, the youth need the region to build quality education that responds to the demands of the 21st century.

How do we equip youth to thrive and be changemakers while reducing inequality in the region? How do we create more opportunities?

On the International Day of Education, we invite you to this hybrid event at IDB headquarters in Washington, DC. It will be a gathering of global leaders from the private and public sector and experts on the regional agenda to transform the future of education with a focus on 21st Century skill.

With participation from ministers, high-level authorities of the region and international experts such as:

  • Jeffrey D. Sachs. Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University/President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network

  • Andreas Schleicher, OECD Director for Education and Skills.

  • Harry Anthony Patrinos. Adviser, Office of the Chief Economist for Europe and Central Asia at the World Bank.

  • Amber Gove, Fellow at the International Development Group, and Director of International Education.

  • Robert E. McGrath, Professor of Psychology at Fairleigh Dickinson University, and Senior Scientist at the VIA Institute on Character.

  • Alejandro Adler, Dean of Student Life and Wellbeing at Upper Canada College.

  • Ben Nelson, Founder and Chancellor of Minerva University.

  • Ricardo Zárate, Minister of Education and Science in Paraguay.

  • María Brown Pérez, Minister of Education of Ecuador.

  • Robert Silva García, President of the Central Board of Directors of the National Public Education Administration of Uruguay.

