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The Increasing Imperative for Resilient Food Systems in Times of Conflict and Crisis: What Can Donors Do?

PLATFORM | 20 APRIL 2022, 14:30–16:30 | VIRTUAL, CEST

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Keynote Speaker

Jennifer Clapp

University of Waterloo
Vice-Chair, High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition
UN Committee on World Food Security


Rhoda Peace Tumusiime

Former Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture
African Union Commission

Satu Santala

Associate Vice-President for External Relations and Governance
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Martin Bwalya

Ag Director, Knowledge Management and Programme Evaluation (KMPE)
Africa Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD)

Leonard Mizzi

Head of Unit
Sustainable Agri-Food Systems and Fisheries, Directorate-General International Partnerships (DG INTPA)
European Commission

Jim Woodhill

AgriFoodNexus Consulting, and Honorary Research Associate
Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford


Henry Bonsu

International Broadcaster and Media Consultant

About the event

On the heels of the pandemic, our collective attention is now focused on the skyrocketing food prices and the conflict in Ukraine. While emergency measures are necessary to address short-term consequences, these current crises further cement the need for long-term investments into resilient food systems, in order to combat and avoid such crises in the future.

During this event, the GDPRD’s white paper on “Transforming Food Systems- Directions for Enhancing the Catalytic Role of Donors” will be presented. The paper attempts to provide a menu of options for donor engagement in food systems transformation, with focuses on coordination, structural barriers to change, and the importance of systemic approaches. Along with the Declaration of Intent on food systems transformation and the stocktaking report on Donor Contributions to Food Systems, the white paper concludes the GDPRD’s contributions to the UN Food Systems Summit.

The event will:

  • Discuss the directions of donor assistance to improve resilience in agriculture, rural development and food systems
  • Understand how the deliberations of the Food Systems Summit contribute to development thinking in times of crises, when food prices are soaring and agricultural value chains are increasingly disrupted
  • Assess and discuss modalities for donor cooperation and coordination for food systems resilience
Event Agenda
14:30–14:40 Opening of event: GDPRD Co-Chairs
14:40–15:10 Keynote speaker: Jennifer Clapp
15:10–16:20 High-level moderated panel:
Rhoda Peace Tumusiime; Satu Santala; Martin Bwalya; Leonard Mizzi; Jim Woodhill
Moderator: Henry Bonsu
16:20–16:30 Closing of event: Maurizio Navarra

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