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Third Arab Land Conference

18-20 February 2025 | Rabat, Morocco

The Third Arab Land Conference is hosted by the Government of Morocco, organized by the Ministry of National Territory and Urban Planning, Housing and City Policy, UN-Habitat, GLTN and the Arab Land Initiative, in partnership with the League of Arab States, UNESCWA, UNECA, the World Bank, BMZ, the Netherlandsโ€™ RVO, and Morocco land sector stakeholders.

The conference will share knowledge, enable capacity development, and promote collaboration and coordination between land stakeholders with the goal of advancing good land governance for the achievement of social, economic, environmental and peace dividends.ย 

Themes for the 2025 conference include innovation, property registration, sustainable investments, women and land, land for food security, land-based financing solutions and more. More agenda information is due to be shared soon.

A call for technical papers and session proposals is open until 15th November 2024, with more information available on the conference website.



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