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Webinar: Financing Food and Rural Development

Thursday, September 26, 2024 |  15:00-17:00 CET | On ZOOM


The Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) will host a virtual seminar and discussion on the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) Report 2024 – Financing to End Hunger Food Insecurity and Malnutrition in All Its Forms and implications for donors and development partners.

With only six years until 2030, the report draws urgent attention to the need for governments, donors, the private sector and other actors to accelerate and scale up financing and investments towards ending hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity.

The report highlights the fragmented and siloed nature of the financing architecture and calls for a more holistic approach. A new definition of financing for food security and nutrition is provided to help guide future investments. The report offers a comprehensive set of recommendations for reform and the use of innovative financing tools. It calls for enhanced transparency, coordination and harmonization among different actors to improve the effectiveness and targeting of financing to achieve SDG 2 (Zero Hunger).

The webinar will:

  • Provide an overview of the key messages and recommendations of the SOFI 2024 report.

  • Discuss the key challenges in operationalizing the recommendations of the report.

  • Discuss the implications of the report for partner/country governments, donors and development partners.

  • Discuss the implications of the report and its findings for the future of financing of food and rural development.

Webinar format:

  • Presentation on the SOFI 2024 by authors of the report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

  • Panel discussion with SOFI 2024 authors and representatives of government, donors and development finance partners.

  • Q&A session and general discussion.

Register now to join the webinar. Feel free to share this event with colleagues and wider networks.

This series of webinars is designed to help the development community gain a better understanding of development finance and donor approaches, to facilitate their participation in the global dialogue. Watch the first webinar on "Decoding the Fundamentals of Development Finance".




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