In response to the changes in the international development framework, the Platform members have agreed on a new Strategic Plan to guide the work of the Platform in the next 4 years.

The new Platform Strategic Plan 2021–2025 situates the work of the Platform across the domains of food systems, food and nutrition security, agriculture and rural livelihoods. It recognizes the Platform’s particular focus and orientation towards SDG 2 and the intersection with other SDGs.
The implications of the new development context for the Platform are fourfold:
- Food systems and the links with rural poverty are and will remain a key development issue, central to the challenge of meeting the SDGs and responding to the climate crisis. Optimizing the catalytic role of limited global public good resources from bilateral donors and philanthropic foundations is key to driving the innovations and transformations that are needed.
- Increased uncertainty and turbulence are inevitable, making forums (such as the Platform) that can support donors in responding quickly, effectively and in coordinated ways increasingly important.
- Responding to all these challenges requires understanding, open channels of communication, trust and networks of dialogue that cut across sectors, national boundaries and the formal processes of international engagement. This is a networking and convening function core to the objectives of the Platform.
For this Strategic Plan, the Platform will articulate its focus as “food systems and rural development”. While staying true to the original intent and purpose of the Platform, the current Strategic Plan actions the following changes to the Platform’s vision, mission and objectives to better reflect the changed operating context and environment of the donor platform and to ensure its ongoing relevance.