Coordination has been one of the core purposes of the Global Donor Working Group on Land (GDWGL) since it was established in 2013. Through the work of coordination, this network of donors developed its Land Governance Programme Map – an open database of donors’ portfolio of projects worldwide – and influenced the approval of the SDG land indicator 1.4.2.

In May 2019, the Group made a further step towards this purpose. It approved its ‘Code of Conduct’ for members to coordinate at the country-level. This set of commitments includes, for example, proactively sharing strategic information on any significant national policy engagement and to purse closer coordination and complementary of new land programmes and research. Therefore, a richer and quicker flow of information was expected to take place between donor officers based at headquarters, donor officers based in partner countries, and local partner organisations.

By following the ‘Code of Conduct’, GDWGL members aimed to ultimately improve the design and implementation of programmes, as well as strengthen cooperation with stakeholders at the country level (Land Ministries, land networks, civil society organisations) and regional coordination institutions, such as the African Land Policy Centre (ALPC), a key partner of the GDWGL.

Donors in the Group did periodical reviews of the implementation of this ‘Code of Conduct’ and determined any necessary adjustments at their physical meetings.


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