• The Governing Council is IFAD’s main decision-making body. It consists of all of IFAD’s Member States and meets annually. It is attended by the official Member State representatives, i.e. Governors, Alternate Governors and any other designated advisers. Observers are also invited to attend sessions.

  • The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) is an international conference on central issues of agricultural and food policies held each year in Berlin. Hosted by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the event welcomes 3,000 international visitors from politics, industry, science, and civil society to discuss what actions can be taken to achieve a transformation of food systems.

  • Hosted by the UN Environment Programme, the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) brings together representatives of the 193 Member States of the UN, businesses, civil society and other stakeholders to agree on policies to address the world’s most pressing environmental challenges.

  • Achieving SDG 2 without breaching the 1.5 °C threshold: A global roadmap, Part 1. How agrifood systems transformation through accelerated climate actions will help achieving food security and nutrition, today and tomorrow, In brief.

  • Bonn, Germany - 10 July 2017 Links Domestic investment in land and agriculture is not new, but received until now little attention compared to the phenomenon of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The limited literature available in this topic indicate that domestic investors account

  • About us Our History Established in 2003, the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development brings together donors that share a common vision on the role of agriculture and rural development in tackling global poverty and hunger. About us Our History Established in 2003, the Global Donor

  • A consultation event jointly organized by the European Commission, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) and the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD)

  • Andrea Zinn is the Director of the Council on Smallholder Agricultural Finance (CSAF) and the Senior Manager of Aceli Americas, providing advisory on adapting the Aceli Africa incentive model to mobilize private capital to agri-SMEs in Latin America. This interview is an opportunity for speakers from the 2023 Annual General Assembly to reflect on two decades of rural development and aid effectiveness.

  • Thematic Areas - SDG 2 Roadmap Donors' Efforts to Implement the SDGs The Platform debate has moved beyond the substantive considerations of the new opportunities of the SDGs and is addressing issues to support their achievement, especially SDG2 - the goal to end hunger and malnutrition and double the productivity and incomes

  • For the fourth consecutive year, all Public Development Banks (PDBs) will convene to strengthen their partnership and reinforce their commitments in support of common actions for climate change and sustainable development.