• Connecting the dots: employment, youth empowerment and development effectiveness in the rural space. The tone of the thematic discussions of the second day of the AGA 2018 was set by the keynote speech about “Strategic Framing of Youth Empowerment – What is needed in the future?”. The links between the future of agriculture, the transformation of rural areas and the commitment of the donor and development community to enable young people to live a decent and meaningful life were the focus of the two-panel discussions during the high-level forum. First, the focus was on the young farmers and the decent rural employment.

  • AGA 2023 Main Session | 26 October, 9:30-17:00 CET | Food System Approaches and Shifting Development Agendas in Agriculture and Rural Development

  • 24 July 2024 | 14:00 CEST / 9:00 GMT-3 | Webcast from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The UN's The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report will be launched in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at a special event on the margins of the G20 Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty Task Force Ministerial Meeting. The SOFI 2024 theme is "Financing to End Hunger, Food Insecurity and Malnutrition in All its Forms.

  • This year's report is focused on financing to end hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms. A definition of financing for food security and nutrition and guidance is provided with recommendations regarding the efficient use of innovative financing tools and reforms to the food security and nutrition financing architecture.

  • The third annual Global Report on Food Crises highlights the plight of millions of people who must fight every day against acute hunger and malnutrition. The report also points the way towards solutions that can rebuild lives and livelihoods in communities around the world. Links

  • Thematic Areas - SDG 2 Roadmap Strategic Initiative Agenda 2030 By facilitating direct exchange and information sharing, the Platform continues to enable member states to coordinate and contribute to higher level of policy coherence. The Platform’s Strategic Initiative Agenda 2030 addresses the new dimensions of development cooperation. However, not every development

  • The Secretariat spoke with both co-chairs ahead of this week’s Senior Managers’ Meeting and the High-Level Food Systems event. Tristan Armstrong Senior Sector Specialist, Agricultural Development and Food Security, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) – Australia CONTACT | CO-CHAIR Tristan Armstrong,

  • FAO’s 2018 report on Food Security and Nutrition in the World is out, and its key message is alarming. In 2017, the number of undernourished people is estimated to have increase to 821 million – around one out of every nine people in the world suffers from hunger. For the third year in a

  • On the occasion of the 2020 International Green Week in Berlin, Germany the SDG2 Roadmap Group initiated an informal meeting with a diverse group of stakeholders on 20 January 2020. The meeting was convened by the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development and the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and aimed

  • In preparation to the Annual General Assembly 2018 “Young and ready to move – empowering the new generation in the rural space”, the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development commissioned a compendium “Donor engagement with rural youth”. The publication aims at giving an overview of how donors engage with youth. The compendium is also