• In our third segment, the Platform talks to Willem Olthof, Deputy Head, and Conrad Rein, Policy Officer, at the European Commission. Conrad is also a Co-Chair of the GDPRD.

  • The Global Report on Food Crises 2020 is the result of a joint, consensus-based assessment of acute food insecurities around the world by 16 partner organizations. It is a flagship publication of a series of analytical products facilitated by the Food and Security Information Network (FSIN) and produced under the initiative of the Global

  • Youth account for one out of every six people worldwide. About 10 – 12 million jobs need to be created and/or supported per year until 2035 in Africa alone and millions of young people are bound to engage in agriculture. The challenge of the “youth bulge” is not only about the number of jobs

  • Breaking through green jobs for a better future for rural youth: A webinar by the Thematic Working Group on Rural Youth Employment.

  • The Thematic Working Group on Rural Youth Employment (TWG RYE) has recently been exploring the topic of green jobs for youth. This ongoing conversation led to a webinar “Green Jobs for Rural Youth in Agri-food Systems”, which took place on 25 April 2022, to discuss entry points for understanding green jobs in agri-food systems.

  • Thematic Areas - SDG 2 Roadmap Strategic Initiative Agenda 2030 By facilitating direct exchange and information sharing, the Platform continues to enable member states to coordinate and contribute to higher level of policy coherence. The Platform’s Strategic Initiative Agenda 2030 addresses the new dimensions of development cooperation. However, not every development

  • New York | USA | 24 Sep. 2018 In an unprecedented effort to harness the power of data to boost the productivity and livelihoods of the world’s 500 million small-holder farmers, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, a coalition of members of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development - USAID,

  • The GDPRD Secretariat is delighted to introduce our new Co-Chairs Iris Krebber, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) – United Kingdom, and Bruce Campbell, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) - Switzerland. Their two-year term started on 1 January 2024.

  • Deadline: 5 February 2022 at 11:59 PM (Rome time). FAO and IAAS, in collaboration with YPARD have launched the YCRAC to support and promote youth engaged in developing greener and more resilient agrifood systems.

  • Policy makers, trade, and Customs officials, and business representatives will contribute to the discussions on the success factors in the implementation of Trade Facilitation reforms.