• Global food prices are at an all-time high. Equally alarmingly is the skyrocketing price of fertilizers, which risks farmers using less in the coming season and escalating the crises due to reduced crop yields. Useful Resources on the Current Crisis

  • Links The European Commission presented a range of short-term and medium-term actions to enhance global food security and to support farmers and consumers in the EU in light of rising food prices and input costs, such as energy and fertilisers. The surge in global commodity prices, further

  • From 14 - 18 October 2019, Rome saw the annual gathering of The Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) member states, participants, observers and stakeholders for the 46th meeting of the Committee of World Food Security (CFS). Delegates from 126 countries, key UN organizations and over 200 private sector and civil society representatives and experts

  • Practical Guidelines for Measuring Employment effects. The guidelines are designed as an interactive guide. They help to establish a results logic between (ongoing) project activities and related employment effects and also provide orientation on how to measure or estimate employment effects based on available data.

  • The Food System Economics Commission (FSEC) has brought together leading experts to develop a unique economic model that maps for the first time the impacts of two possible futures for the global food system: our Current Trends pathway, and the Food System Transformation pathway.

  • Bonn, Germany - 21 June 2017 Links The Global Donor Working Group on Land releases this policy brief to reiterate its commitment on the SDG indicator 1.4.2 for achieving global land tenure security. The policy brief clarifies the status of indicator 1.4.2 towards its

  • USAID Report on Mining Highlights the Role of Land in the Transition to Green Energy Links A new report by USAID, “Mining and the Green Energy Transition”, emphasizes the critical importance of land use planning, community land rights formalization, and land administration and

  • Our Thematic Work The United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development puts agriculture and rural development in a new perspective. The sustainable development goals confirmed the centrality of food security in sustainable development and the need for more responsible and efficient use of natural resources, social integration, economic growth and employment

  • In 2012, several major trends and challenges have emerged to establish the context for the Platform’s work to tackle poverty and end hunger through sustainable agricultural development, food security and nutrition.

  • Development Partners Perspectives Regional integration and agro-food value chains are a priority for African countries. Back to back with the 12th CAADP partnership platform, the African Union, Global Affairs Canada and UNDP convened an experience sharing workshop with Development Partners, Private sector, REC’s and UNDP regional agro-food value chain projects. The