• Five interviews from leading voices in the future of food systems, with messages for our youth and small-scale farmers.

  • The Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) co-organized a virtual round table with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the European Commission (EC) on “Addressing the Impacts of the War in Ukraine on 3F (Food, Fuel, Fertilizer) Prices for Rural Small-Scale Producers” on 20 May, 2022.

  • Workstreams Donor coordination for food systems transformation Building on the overall focus of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) on donor coordination, the GDPRD conducted a review and investigation of good practices in donor cooperation for food systems and rural development. This workstream aims to better support donors and their

  • Strengthening Coordination Towards SDG2: Pathways for Food Systems Transformation

  • In our fifth segment, the Platform talks to Nadine Gbossa, Director, Food Systems Coordination, IFAD; Chief, Means of Implementation, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, and Dede Ekoue, Country Director of Nigeria, IFAD.

  • 2014 was a crucial year for the international development community for setting the groundwork and course for various milestones of global development in 2015 and beyond. This was the case for the international community, but also for the Platform itself.

  • This policy document on land tenure and sustainable agri-food systems is a collaboration between the ILC, FAO and GLTN, with support from the GDPRD. The report stresses the critical importance of land access and land tenure for more sustainable agri-food production and consumption systems.

  • A transformation of agriculture and food systems has become paramount in the face of the world's rapidly deteriorating natural resources. If strategically planned, agroecological agriculture and food system practices, together with the policies that support them, have good potential to help establish more resilient food systems. Agroecology creates positive and minimizes negative environmental externalities,

  • Bonn, Germany - 25 January 2017 The strategy sets the focus on supporting a competitive and inclusive agribusiness sector that will help curb the economy of agriculture dependent states and ultimately increase quality of life of farmers and rural population. Links The strategy, as

  • Rome, Italy - 18 October 2016 The World Bank, FAO, IFAD and the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development invited to a side-event at the CFS named “Policies for Effective Rural Transformation, Agricultural and Food System Transition”. The participants discussed the changing structure of food systems and the possible ways to measure and analyse