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  • The 2023 Annual General Assembly took place on 26-27 October 2023, and coincided with the Donor Platform’s 20th anniversary, a milestone reflected in the theme “20 Years of rural development and aid effectiveness: Where are we now and where are we going?”.

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Meet the Platform

The Global Donor Platform for Rural Development is a vibrant partnership, advocacy and knowledge network of key donors focusing on food security and rural development.

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The active engagement of people should be at the forefront of implementation. It is at this level that a food systems approach is already taking shape, as implementers cannot avoid the connections, synergies, complementarities and trade-offs across different sectors.

The active engagement of people should be at the forefront of implementation. It is at this level that a food systems approach is already taking shape, as implementers cannot avoid the connections, synergies, complementarities and trade-offs across different sectors.

The agrifood sector represents the world’s largest economic sector and is very much linked to poverty. An increased population and the associated doubling of food production that is forecast for 2050 make it absolutely necessary to act now in a responsible and coordinated manner.

The agrifood sector represents the world’s largest economic sector and is very much linked to poverty. An increased population and the associated doubling of food production that is forecast for 2050 make it absolutely necessary to act now in a responsible and coordinated manner.

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