• Claire Melamed, CEO at the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD). talks about the importance of accessible, accurate and timely data for agriculture and rural development, crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

  • The Smallholder and Agri-SME Finance and Investment Network (SAFIN) will attend the AGRF 2023 to highlight the SME finance agenda alongside Heads of State, Ministers, youth, agribusinesses and agricultural experts.

  • 2021 was an eventful year for the Platform, both at an operational level within the Secretariat and with external engagement. The Platform created a new Strategic Plan for the 2021–2025 period and a results-based work plan for the year.

  • Short interviews by the Platform Secretariat during the 2022 Annual General Assembly in Rome, Italy. Five experts talk about national pathways for food systems transformation, the current global food crisis response, and what they want small-scale farmers and the younger generation to know. Johan Swinnen Global

  • Rome, Italy - 14 October 2016 Putting agriculture at the center of Agenda 2030 Links The Global Donor Platform for Rural Development, upon invitation of the Italian Agency for International Development, organised a Round Table on rural transformation. In

  • "Putting our Money Where our Mouth is" has an impressive line-up of influential voices, starting with IFAD's new President Alvaro Lario and Associate Vice-President Satu Santala, Platform Co-Chairs Tristan Armstrong, Conrad Rein and Secretariat Coordinator Maurizio Navarra, and Willem Olthof, Ammad Bahalim and Carin Smaller.

  • Interview with Lee Ann Jackson, Head of the Agro-Food Trade and Markets Division at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). She provides an overview of the OECD’s role in providing data and policy recommendations to governments for informed decisions. Food systems and agricultural trade are an important focus of her work.

  • In an era in which almost 80 percent of the global population resides in urban and peri‑urban (U‑PU) areas, understanding and addressing the complexities of U‑PU food systems is more critical than ever.

  • The study, commissioned by the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development, analyzes development assistance to agriculture and rural development (ARD) and food security. By improving the understanding and handling of aid flows to ARD and food security, the study aims to contribute to strengthening transparency, accountability and the effectiveness of aid in this policy domain.

  • GLOBAL | 21 MARCH 2022, 09:00–10:30 | VIRTUAL, EDT Links Climate change poses incredible challenges for women and girls in the developing world and threatens global progress on gender equality. We know that the growing scarcity of natural resources and the increase in extreme weather