• IFAD’s Rural Development Report 2021 focuses on “Transforming food systems for rural prosperity.” It describes the systemic issues that have led to the situation we are in, identifies priorities for transforming our food systems, and provides recommended actions to achieve meaningful change. Links

  • Territorial approaches are increasingly recognized as a powerful tool for improving development outcomes. This new white paper, released by a group of Platform members and partners provides an overview, discusses opportunities and calls for an international alliance to implement development-focused territorial approaches. Links

  • As the lockdowns continue worldwide and impacts of Covid-19 keep unfolding, policymakers have not only been put under pressure to make quick decisions, but also to justify their support to agriculture (as well as other sectors) from an emergency perspective. To act responsibly under the pressure of urgency, donor agencies must gain access to

  • The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) organised a joint event on 21 October in Berlin to build on IFAD’s 2019 Rural Development Report - Creating employment opportunities for rural youth. Links

  • The central aim of this fifth CFS plenary session was to prepare proposals for the CFS Multi‐Year Programme of Work (MYPoW) for 2020‐2023 and decide on the theme of the HLPE report in 2020 based on a proposal from CFS Bureau in collaboration with the Advisory Group. However, the session, dedicated to hearing CFS

  • Rome, Italy - October 2017 On 9 October the Platform's Global Donor Working Group on Land organised a side event at the Committee on World Food Security in Rome to draw attention to this still little understood phenomenon. Speakers of this side event included: Jesse Coleman (legal researcher at Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment),

  • Bonn, Germany - 22 September 2016 New momentum for rural transformation Links The central idea behind Agenda 2030 of developing an integrated framework that is universal and addresses the “world as a whole” has resulted in a very comprehensive but complex agenda. While

  • 13-17 May 2024 | Washington, DC | For over two decades, the World Bank Land Conference catalyzed the global land community.

  • Key takeaways from the 28 March 2024 event “Donors as investment catalysts” on how major donors can best spend their limited aid funds for agricultural finance. Co-organized by the Smallholder and Agri-SME Finance and Investment Network (SAFIN), the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) and the Marketlinks initiative of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

  • Thematic Areas SDG2 Roadmap A thematic working group of the GDPRD since 2019, the SDG 2 Roadmap Working Group is an informal group of senior officials from different donor agencies that are active in agriculture and food and nutrition security. Chaired by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the U.S. Agency