• On 14 October 2019, Rome saw the gathering of FAO’s member states, participants, observers and stakeholders for the 46th meeting of the Committee of World Food Security (CFS). A press conference to launch FAO’s report on "The State of Food and Agriculture" (SOFA) 2019 under the theme of "Moving forward on food loss and

  • Climate variability and extremes, in addition to conflict, are among the key drivers behind the recent uptick in global hunger and one of the leading causes of severe food crises. The cumulative effect of changes in climate is undermining all dimensions of food security – food availability, access, utilization and stability. To dive deeper

  • Two of the members of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development underwent institutional changes in response to the new challenges of development cooperation. Both new establishments aim to strengthen policy coherence and coordination of all related development cooperation activities. The change of government in Canada was followed by a change in Department of

  • Bonn, Germany - March 2018 Links Numerous indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relate to tenure rights, food security and nutrition, including 1.4.2 on perceptions of land tenure security, 2.4.1 relating to the proportion of agricultural area under productive and sustainable agriculture and

  • Hamburg, Germany - July 2017 In the Leaders Declaration issued after the G20 meeting in Hamburg, four policy priorities directly relate to agriculture and rural development. Next to fostering innovation and ensuring sustainable and resilient financial system, the G20 leaders commit to fulfilling the Paris agreement on climate change (N-1), boost employment and in

  • Bonn, Germany - 15 Mar 2017 The UN Statistical Commission agreed on a draft resolution on the global indicator framework for the SDGs. ADB has launched last year a project to support national statistics offices in three countries - Marshall Islands, Sri Lanka and Viet Nam – in gathering data on the progress made

  • Bonn, Germany - 17 January 2017 Three major processes culminated in 2015. The Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development, the replacement of the MDGs by the SDGs and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change created a new framework for development policy – Agenda2030. Following a presentation at the Annual General Assembly, the

  • GLOBAL | 10. – 16. OCTOBER 2022 | IMF-WBG HQ - WASHINGTON, DC Links The 2022 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG) will take place in person from Monday, October 10, through Sunday, October 16

  • Our Workstreams The GDPRD continues to proactively respond to emerging issues around donor coordination. With a results-driven mandate, the Platform’s workstreams are created to focus on issues deemed by the Board as most pertinent to rural development, food security, and food systems transformation. Each workstream has

  • In 2023, the Global Youth Economic Opportunities (YEO) Summit's theme is YEO Reimagined: Powering Youth-Led Action Towards 2030. This theme is focused on how the global YEO 2030 community can reimagine and build sustainable youth economic opportunities, with and for young people in the decade of action.