• This Youth-sensitive value chain analysis and development guide provides the background information and guidance needed by practitioners for selecting an agricultural value chain with significant potential for youth employment and entrepreneurship and offers tools to conduct context-specific youth employment analyses.  Download The

  • The G20 Summit in 2017 saw the launch of the Rural Youth Employment initiative, after a historic vote by governments and heads of states signalled a clear political commitment of the international community to support empowerment of youth in rural areas. Today, 1.2 billion young people between the ages 15 and 24 live in

  • The rapidly growing population in Africa and the expectations that urban population will rapidly increase, give even bigger importance to opening new opportunities for agriculture and the economic development of rural areas. At the expert meeting Rural and Regional Policies for Sustainable and Inclusive Development in Africa - co-organised by the OECD, NEPAD, AFD

  • The high-level event, Transforming food systems: Implications for coordination and financing, introduced the upcoming Food Systems Summit and raised key issues related to the Action Tracks, and explored their implications for donors.

  • AGA Session 3 - 4 November 2020: "Food systems: Data for evidenced-based policymaking"

  • The purpose of this toolkit is to introduce readers to the complex relationship between land and violent conflict and to provide guidance on recommended approaches and actions to address some of the root causes of conflict. This understanding can help staff diagnose a problem, support strategic planning, and develop projects and activities that build

  • Download Read More The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has conducted a nation-wide rural household survey in Ukraine, targeting 5,230 rural households across the country, with the objectives of: i) collecting necessary evidence on the impact of

  • Agriculture and food systems need to transform in ways that produce sustainable and inclusive practices and outcomes, including more and better jobs for young women and men. Promoting green jobs for and with rural youth can contribute to such a transformation, while helping address the underemployment crisis and acknowledging and further engaging youth in agriculture, food and associated sectors.

  • The Dialogue will highlight issues affecting rural youth and gather input for Game Changer solutions for decent jobs creation for rural youth in food systems. First, a round of opening statements and pitches for youth centered Game Changer solutions submitted to the UNFSS will set the scene.

  • World Trade Organization (WTO) members and stakeholders from every part of the supply chain will share perspectives on the underlying causes and trajectory of continued supply chain disruptions.