• The potential benefits of digital agriculture are prolific. However, farm data is generally collected by others, and smallholder farmers rely on external resources, like weather data, and proprietary tools that provide specific advisories. Farmers face a paradox: while the use of data holds much potential, control over power, resources, and data governance challenges raise

  • About us Our History Established in 2003, the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development brings together donors that share a common vision on the role of agriculture and rural development in tackling global poverty and hunger. About us Our History Established in 2003, the Global Donor

  • Martin Bwalya spoke with Jim Woodhill about the UN Food Systems Summit (UN FSS) and the catalytic role of finance in transforming food systems. Martin provided insights on how the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP) worked to coordinate a common position for African countries towards the Summit.

  • 5 September 2024 | 16:00-18:30 CET | Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in London and on Zoom. How to deliver impact at scale, reach smallholder farmers and build the next generation of competitive African agribusinesses. Chris Isaac, AgDevCo’s Chief Investment Officer and co-founder, will be delivering the 41st Ralph Melville Lecture in association with The Tropical Agriculture Association International (TAAI).

  • GLOBAL | 24 JANUARY 2023 | HYBRID Links Also streaming on Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn With tight global supplies and global food inflation at the highest levels in many years, there is renewed criticism of biofuel policies that divert food and feedstuffs to

  • GLOBAL | 16 – 17 MARCH 2022 | VIRTUAL - MANILA TIME (GMT+8) Links The pandemic has had a deep and profound impact throughout Southeast Asia. Many of the region’s hard-won gains in reducing poverty, creating jobs, and enhancing health and well-being have been

  • From 30-31 August 2018 over 700 key stakeholders from across the globe met at Wageningen University and Research to discuss their views and contributions for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2, Zero Hunger - and to take action to achieve this ambitious goal. The participants included representatives from governments, academics, civil society and the private

  • The African Leaders for Nutrition Initiative (ALN), a joint African Union Commission and African Development Bank (AfDB) initiative, issued a recent report indicating that despite recent gains in addressing and lowering malnutrition on the African continent, many African nations are still facing increasing rates of childhood stunting and wasting, as well as overweight children.

  • Rome, Italy - November 2017 Links The Smallholder and Agri-Food SME Finance and Investment Network or SAFIN held its first workshop and second working meeting on 27-28

  • The cost of food, fuel, and fertilizer in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities is continuing to escalate to crisis levels since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with families spending up to ten times what they paid almost 16 months ago, according to new analysis from international humanitarian organization ActionAid.