• Martin Bwalya spoke with Jim Woodhill about the UN Food Systems Summit (UN FSS) and the catalytic role of finance in transforming food systems. Martin provided insights on how the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP) worked to coordinate a common position for African countries towards the Summit.

  • From 15-19 October 2018, the 45th session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS45) took place at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy. More than 1,600 delegates, representing CFS Members, non-Member States, UN agencies and bodies, civil society and private sector organisations, international finance and research organisations, philanthropic foundations and observers attended session. Members

  • 2022 was an extraordinary year for the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development, with a focus on transforming food systems in times of crisis, and shifting from strategy to implementation. This annual report details many of the achievements with a lens towards 2023.

  • Conrad Rein, the outgoing Co-Chair of the Donor Platform, reflects upon the pivotal moments and future pathways that have marked his three-year tenure.

  • What We Do Our work sits at the intersection of a set of critical global issues that have a profound impact on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and longer-term human prosperity and security.  The Platform strives towards these goals by convening donor organizations that make substantive investments in agriculture, rural development

  • From 19-21 June, the 2019 Annual General Assembly (AGA) brought together more than 40 participants, Platform members and partners, in Zurich/Maennedorf, Switzerland. After many years of thematically focused AGAs, this year’s edition was conceptualised as an inward-focused Members‘ retreat, intended to inspire members to reflect on and leverage their unique strengths in the rural development space, in particular in light of a thoroughly changing environment.

  • GLOBAL | 24 JANUARY 2023 | HYBRID Links Also streaming on Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn With tight global supplies and global food inflation at the highest levels in many years, there is renewed criticism of biofuel policies that divert food and feedstuffs to

  • What makes an agricultural development policy contemporary? What are the key components for agriculture that feeds current and future generations without overstretching planetary boundaries? Questions like these were at the were at the heart of a lecture by renowned academic and ODI’s Principal Research Fellow Dr. Steve Wiggins that was held on 10 April

  • Paris | France | 29 March 2016 The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French Development Agency (AFD) joined forces with civil society, academia and other professionals back in 1996 to set up the Land Tenure and Development Technical Committee (CTFD). The Committee is currently actively involved in all land related development projects

  • Watch the recording of the High-Level Session on Sustainable Finance: Making Donor Funding More Catalytic | AGA 2023 Session 3 | 27 October, 9:30-12:20 CET