• 24 April 2024, 14:00-15:30 CEST | Sheikh Zayed Centre, FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy | Hybrid. The Global Network Against Food Crises is hosting a high-level launch ceremony for their critical report, the Global Report on Food Crises 2024. This annual publication, compiled by the Food Security Information Network, unveils the latest statistics on acute hunger and malnutrition plaguing people in crisis-prone regions.

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  • 18-19 November 2024 | Rio de Janeiro | In-person. The G20 Summit marks the culmination of efforts undertaken by the country holding the group's rotating presidency. It's a moment for world leaders to endorse agreements negotiated throughout the year and chart a course for tackling global challenges. Leaders from all 19 member countries, along with the African Union and the European Union, are expected to attend.

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