Bonn, Germany – 17 January 2017
In 2016, SDC South Cooperation management has launched a reflection process to prepare an Issue Paper (IP) on a possible future SDC’s positioning in urban and peri-urban development. Currently, the IP is in official consultation and shall be the basis for strategic SDC management decisions. The learning journey will carry on and will take into account these reflections.

The learning journey is aiming at generating and debating issues and experiences related to urban and peri-urban Development dynamics. In general, the method follows the following rule:
Journey outline
“Learning as you proceed” – meaning that the new knowledge generates new questions; ultimately, this is how the dynamic of the learning journey will progress.
The journey will start with perhaps around 30 “champions” and will grow as it progresses. The journey will take off with studies in five countries: Bolivia, Haiti, Ethiopia, Bangladesh and Mekong, which will serve several purposes:
- Inputs for progressing Country Strategies and/or Country Program / portfolio designs;
- Inputs for the policy paper of the SDC Management;
- Inputs for learning at SDC and beyond.
The journey is organized by a working group consisting of Bettina Etter, Felix Fellmann, Martin Lippuner, Anne Moulin, Serge Oumow and Bahar Sadreghazi. In order to accelerate the learning journey, at least eight other knowledge networks are participating in the journey.
The linked document in the Downloads section will provide you with the most important information at a glance. For more information please contact the Working Group coordinator, Bahar Sadreghazi.