Inclusive, competitive and sustainable food systems
2013 marked the 10th anniversary of the Platform’s creation and we had many reasons to celebrate. The Platform established itself as an important convener of donors committed to tackle rural development challenges and to advance agriculture and rural development (ARD) and food and nutrition security (FNS) as part of the post-2015 development agenda.
Download the 2013 Annual Report

This past year, Platform members worked to promote sustainable rural development, additional investment in food and nutrition security, and collaborative action for targeted advocacy. The continued interest in the Platform’s discussions, both in physical and virtual meetings, shows that the Platform has become the mainstreaming place for donors and partners to exchange knowledge and coordinate efforts to improve the quality of development assistance in ARD and FNS.
Recognising that the greatest asset of the Platform is the diversity of its members, in 2013 we welcomed new members to the Platform who bring specific geographic and thematic expertise to share and for other members to benefit from. The International Development Research Centre (IDRC), UN Women and the Belgian Technical Cooperation joined the Platform, and DFAT Australia and IDRC also joined the board.
In 2013 the Platform supported the establishment of the Global Donor Working Group on Land, which is drawing increasing attention to land governance issues and showing a great example of what donors can do when they find a well-supported platform for peers to interact and discuss specific thematic topics.
2013 was in all regards a vibrant year of growth for the Platform. The renewed commitment by members and tireless dedication of the Platform secretariat merit our great acknowledgement and gratitude. May our work continue to inspire not only the development community but all those concerned with establishing a global partnership for sustainable development.
Publication date: May 2014