2018 was a vibrant and productive year for the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development. By facilitating direct exchange and information sharing, the Platform continued to enable members to coordinate and contribute to higher level of policy coherence. The Annual Report 2018 gives an overview and highlights the key milestones.
Download the 2018 Annual Report

2018 was a vibrant and productive year for the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development. By facilitating direct exchange and information sharing, the Platform continued in 2018 to enable members to coordinate and contribute to higher level of policy coherence. The Agenda 2030 priorities gained further traction in the Global Donor Platform as the Secretariat was requested to facilitate the work of the SDG2 Roadmap.
In 2018, the Platform was present at many international development events and meetings, contributing to the international discussion either as organisers of side-events or as participants in discussion panels or reporters.
The Annual General Assembly (AGA) in June once again set accents. Hosted by BMZ and African Development Bank (AfDB), it brought together high-level calibre speakers and more than a hundred senior level participants, Platform members and partners as well a young entrepreneurs and students to discuss opportunities for โEmpowering Rural Young Generationโ. The topic of Rural Youth has gained further momentum by the launch of a new Thematic Working Group, which was formed in autumn and now has its own virtual workspace on the Platformโs website.
The issue of data both to prove development impact and to better inform policies was recurring in 2018. Better data as well as increased transparency and comprehensibility have been the driving force of a global initiative that was launched last year and in which several Platform members play an active role: the 50×2030 Data Initiative. Launched at a UN General Assembly side event it correlates well into the framework of SDG2 Roadmap Initiative.
Other highlights were two roundtables on gender, organised at the sidelines of the sixty-second session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW62) at UN headquarters in New York City, and on inclusive agribusiness, which was held back-to-back to the Annual General Assembly.
In 2018, various new and old partners have participated in the Platform activities in manifold ways, by organising events or providing speakers, sharing information on websites or mailing lists of the various Thematic Working Groups, sending papers to publications and meetings, or jointly submitting papers for conferences. The high level of cooperation that characterized the past year is in line with the target achievement level defined in the Strategic Plan 2016-2020 of the Global Donor Platform.
17 International events
5 Platform events
7 Side events
3 Management meetings
2 Board meetings
1 Annual General Assembly
2 Studies/working papers
40 Members
13 Board Members
Publication date: June 2019