Co-Chairs Bruce Campbell (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation – SDC) and Federica de Gaetano (Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, AICS) are featured in the Devex 2024 Global Voices list, for their opinion piece on “How blended finance can catalyse private capital for agriculture”, originally published on 1 October 2024.

Devex, a leading global development media platform, showcases the most impactful opinion pieces of the year through their Global Voices initiative.
This year's collection features a diverse range of perspectives from industry experts and thought leaders, offering valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities shaping our world, as well as predictions for global development in 2025.
This accolade recognizes the growing importance of blended and innovative finance for food systems across the international development community.
The article advocates for three actions—invest in the missing middle, enable development finance institutions (DFIs) to take more risk, and share knowledge and data—all recommendations from the joint enquiry and report published by the Donor Platform and the Shamba Centre for Food & Climate in March 2025 With limited resources, donor and development partners are increasingly looking to new ways to attract much needed investments in agriculture and food systems to reach the targets in SDG2, Zero Hunger.
Learn more about the Donor Platform’s contributions to donor coordination on innovative finance through the Thematic Working Group on Sustainable/Blended Finance for Food Systems.