On Thursday 11 June 2020, the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) concluded its COVID-19-themed webinar series with a conversation about the tourism sector and its importance for the least developed countries (LDCs).

Over 2,200 people joined EIF’s three live discussions over May and June that focused on the coronavirus and how it is affecting health and incomes in the world’s poorest countries. Hosted by EIF’s Trade for Development News together with partners UNDP, UNWTO and the Commonwealth, the aim was to raise awareness about what is happening in LDCs and to cover underreported topics, with an eye to policy enhancements that ensure livelihoods are protected.

With inequalities being exacerbated by the pandemic, LDCs are being struck hardest, and discussants addressed good practices and solutions being put in place, from issues with food security in fragile countries to implementing sustainable tourism guidelines to targeting investment.

Designed to focus on the issues participants felt were important, webinar panelists answered questions live from audiences joining from all corners of the world, including Nepal, South Africa, Sweden and the Solomon Islands.

Covering the issues of fragile countries, LDC graduation and tourism, the conversations were complemented by articles published in Trade for Development News, including suggestions for support mechanisms for LDCs and how to rebuild the tourism sector better.

The Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) is the only multilateral partnership dedicated exclusively to assisting least developed countries (LDCs) in their use of trade as an engine for growth, sustainable development and poverty reduction. The EIF partnership of 51 countries, 24 donors and eight partner agencies works closely with governments, development organizations, civil society and academia.


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