Food insecurity currently affects 1 in 9 people worldwide. Despite the ongoing efforts, the situation has been worsening since 2015. In 2050, the world will need to provide appropriate nutrition for 10 billion humans and despite the effects of climate change. To achieve this, we must review our agricultural and food systems and support sustainable rural development. With its partners, France is fully committed to this transformation. France’s International Strategy for Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture (2019-2024) is its new roadmap.

France has released its new International Strategy for Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture for 2019-2024. This strategy has 5 main objectives associated with 12 indicators:
- Objective 1: Reinforce global governance of food security and nutrition
- Objective 2: Develop sustainable agricultural and food systems
- Objective 3: Reinforce France’s action in nutrition
- Objective 4: Support the structuring of sustainable agri-food sectors to promote the creation of decent jobs in rural areas, particularly for youth
- Objective 5: Reinforce food assistance actions for vulnerable populations and improve their resilience