The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), a member of the Global Donor Platform’s Working Group on Land, launched their Gender Strategy (2019-2030) at a side event during the 2019 Conference on Land Policy in Africa, in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.

The GLTN Gender Strategy (2019-2030) provides a framework for designing land tenure and governance interventions around women and girls’ land and property rights. The event brought together state and non-state actors dedicated to the objectives of the strategy, which embodies the need to mainstream gender equality in sharing and allocating land as a resource for women.
Weak land policies and regulations (including religious and customary laws) often curtail women’s rights by not recognizing or denying them, and corruption can often lead to a denial of justice. Women’s land rights are human rights, and with various global trends, such as climate change, land-based conflicts, and food insecurity, further eroding women’s access and rights to land.
Securing land tenure for women is a step in the right direction towards reducing the historic marginalization of women by helping to eradicate poverty, and reduce income and gender inequality. The goal of GLTN’s Gender Strategy is to achieve “improved tenure security for all, with a focus on women, youth and vulnerable groups” by reviewing, prioritizing, developing, and implementing appropriate land tools that are inclusive, gender-responsive, and fit-for-purpose. The Strategy will also develop and share knowledge on relevant land related issues and will develop the capacity of key partners, such as land actors, institutions, and other agents of change.
Objectives of the GLTN Gender Strategy (2019-2030)
- Engender the implementation of our overall 2018–2030 Strategy to deliver gendered outcomes based on specific commitments to secure women’s and girls’ land tenure and property rights.
- Increase the use and institutionalization of land tools and approaches for gender-responsive land governance and legal frameworks strategies and programmes.
- Increase the number of women and girls whose land tenure and property rights are secured, regardless of tenure regimes, context or situations in each country.
- Strengthen knowledge and capacities for mainstreaming gender equality and human rights principles, and for monitoring progress in local, national, regional and global policy and governance processes that secure women’s and girls’ land, natural resources and property rights.
The Strategy is a living document, able to be adapted over time by partners that need to be flexible, versatile, and innovative in creating fit-for-purpose responses to emerging needs, trends, and new challenges and opportunities to better support securing women and girls’ land rights.