Most of Africa’s youth work in agri-food systems. They are involved in production, transport, trading, processing, retail, and food services. Some are farmers, others are micro and small-scale entrepreneurs and some are employed by larger-scale enterprises. Agri-food systems will remain central to dignified and fulfilling work opportunities for youth over the coming decades. This will be both directly through working within the sector and indirectly through the spin-off economic activities that can be generated, especially in rural areas. Despite challenges such as climate change, natural resource depletion, poor nutrition, and the exclusion of young women and marginalized groups that must be tackled in an integrated and systemic way, agri-food systems will offer substantial economic prospects due to population growth, rising wealth, and urbanization.

This set the context for the foresight analysis focusing on the future of youth in Africa’s agri-food systems. Looking ahead to 2050, the analysis explored the key trends and uncertainties that will shape opportunities and risks for youth in Africa’s agri-food systems over the next three decades.


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