This needs assessment was conducted in July-September, 2022 based on the review of statistical and administrative reports, legal and normative acts, and interviews with key Government of Ukraine (GoU) authorities including the Ministry of Justice, State Geocadastre, the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories, the Ministry of Infrastructure, and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food. The results of this assessment were discussed with a broader range of stakeholders during a validation workshop on September 27, 2022.
This assessment:
- Outlines the state of Ukraine’s property rights infrastructure just before February’s 2022 invasion;
- Provides an overview of property-related damage caused by the invasion to date;
- Outlines the GoU’s response to date;
- Reviews legislation for loss compensation and recommendations for its improvement;
- Outlines the government needs for capacity building; and
- Highlights the urgent needs of GoU and Ukrainians, in order to contain and repair the damage to real property.