
The publications section offers an overview of the latest publications by Platform members and partners including from international research organisations, civil society and academia. Click here for the Platform’s own flagship publications.


The publications section offers an overview of the latest publications by Platform members and partners including from international research organisations, civil society and academia.

  • 20 December 2023

    There has never been a greater need for coordinated donor investments and collaboration that align with partner countries' needs and priorities. This flagship report is the culmination of a year-long workstream on donor coordination conducted by the GDPRD and includes key messages and recommendations for donors to consider in the way forward.

  • 11 November 2022

    A central principle of the 2030 Agenda is the assurance that “no one will be left behind” and the universal nature of the 2030 Agenda entails that youth should be considered across all Goals and targets. Links

  • 2 November 2022

    Leveraging agricultural automation for transforming agrifood systems: Flagship FAO report addresses concerns over job losses and inequality Links The 2022 edition of The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA), one of the

  • 26 October 2022

    This year’s edition of the State of Blended Finance by Convergence will feature a thematic focus, for the first time, on blended finance for climate. Links This theme was chosen