The publications section offers an overview of the latest publications by Platform members and partners including from international research organisations, civil society and academia. Click here for the Platform’s own flagship publications.
The publications section offers an overview of the latest publications by Platform members and partners including from international research organisations, civil society and academia.
21 October 2024
The ‘Quest for healthy diets’ publication sums up FAO’s work to improve nutrition levels structurally, by way of data, evidence, innovation and convening power for the collective goal to ensure all people have access to culturally appropriate healthy food.
14 April 2023
The status of women in agrifood systems report uses extensive new data and analyses to provide a comprehensive picture of women’s participation, benefits, and challenges they face working in agrifood systems globally. Links
14 April 2023
The Land Portal Foundation's 2022 Annual Report highlights the critical role of accessible land information and data in securing land rights and promoting social justice. Links The Land Portal Foundation's 2022 Annual Report highlights
31 March 2023
The report has been produced by the HLPE-FSN following a request from the CFS and focuses on the role that data collection and analysis tools play in supporting effective evidence-informed decisions. Links Food is