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Lead, Measure, Grow. The Africa Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) 2018


Kigali | Rwanda | September 2018 Leaders from government, business, research and development spheres came together from 4 - 8 September 2018 to discuss sustainable agricultural and economic growth across the African continent, at the 8th African Green Revolution

Lead, Measure, Grow. The Africa Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) 20182022-09-23T14:30:35+02:00

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 2017


2017 showed that donor agencies and development finance institutions need to stop thinking in silos and sectors, but rather concentrate on interconnections within and across our development strategies and programs – towards greater realignment, efficiency and more coherent delivery of outcomes and joint impact.

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 20172024-07-26T11:40:47+02:00

AGA 2018 – Day 2


Connecting the dots: employment, youth empowerment and development effectiveness in the rural space. The tone of the thematic discussions of the second day of the AGA 2018 was set by the keynote speech about “Strategic Framing of Youth Empowerment – What is needed in the future?”. The links between the future of agriculture, the transformation of rural areas and the commitment of the donor and development community to enable young people to live a decent and meaningful life were the focus of the two-panel discussions during the high-level forum. First, the focus was on the young farmers and the decent rural employment.

AGA 2018 – Day 22023-06-07T14:57:47+02:00

AGA 2018 – Day 1


The Global Donor Platform for Rural Development organised its AGA 2018, "Young and ready to move - empowering the new generation in the rural space", with the support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the African Development Bank (AfDB). The background to the thematic discussions was the Rural Youth Employment Initiative, to which governments and heads of states voted on at the G20 summit in 2017. This historic vote signalled a clear political commitment of the international community to improve the efforts to empower youth in rural areas.

AGA 2018 – Day 12023-06-07T14:57:47+02:00

2018 Annual General Assembly


PLATFORM | 13. – 14. JUNE 2018 | BERLIN, GERMANY "Young and ready to move – empowering the new generation in the rural space" Download

2018 Annual General Assembly2024-12-11T13:32:50+01:00

Former GIZ executive joins IFAD as Vice-President


Cornelia Richter, a former Managing Director and member of the Executive Committee of the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), joined the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) as Vice-President. IFAD is a specialised agency of the United Nations,

Former GIZ executive joins IFAD as Vice-President2022-08-31T10:41:57+02:00

Strong markets, sustainable resource use and effective policy at the centre of agricultural aid


Agriculture has a prominent place in the New Australia Foreign Policy White Paper 2017. The document recognises the rising pressure on the agricultural products supply, directly linking it to the Asian economic growth, urbanisation and expanding middle class. Building

Strong markets, sustainable resource use and effective policy at the centre of agricultural aid2022-08-30T16:13:47+02:00

AGA Brussels 2017


Agenda 2030 put into practice: what future for rural development? The added value of the Platform was again reasserted during this years AGA – providing an open space to discuss trends and challenges in international cooperation. Furthermore participants agreed

AGA Brussels 20172022-09-27T18:52:02+02:00

2017 Annual General Assembly


PLATFORM | 1 – 2 FEBRUARY 2017 | BRUSSELS, BELGIUM “Agenda 2030 put into practice: what future for rural development?” The added value of the Platform was again reasserted during this years AGA – providing an open space to

2017 Annual General Assembly2024-12-11T13:34:44+01:00