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The future of AI in food systems


Jaron Porciello is Co-Director of Hesat2030, Associate Professor at the University of Notre Dame. and a close partner of the Donor Platform. Jaron shares her insights on the present and future of artificial intelligence in rural development.

The future of AI in food systems2024-02-09T15:35:14+01:00

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 2022


2022 was an extraordinary year for the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development, with a focus on transforming food systems in times of crisis, and shifting from strategy to implementation. This annual report details many of the achievements with a lens towards 2023.

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 20222024-07-25T17:03:25+02:00

UNFSS+2 Side Event: Innovative donor approaches to sustainable finance for food systems transformation


This official side event of the UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment provides insight from donors on ways to make their funding more impactful and catalytic as well as new sources of funding. Co-organized with the Shamba Centre for Food & Climate.

UNFSS+2 Side Event: Innovative donor approaches to sustainable finance for food systems transformation2024-12-11T13:31:09+01:00

In an era of ‘fake’, good data is even more critical


Jo Puri is the Associate Vice-President of Strategy and Knowledge Department at IFAD and a close partner of the Donor Platform. Jo shares her vast experience and insight on all things data and how standard use of good data could be the game-changer in transforming food systems.

In an era of ‘fake’, good data is even more critical2024-02-09T15:33:30+01:00

Ireland joins the Donor Platform Board


Please join us in welcoming Ireland to the Board of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development. Membership is through Irish Aid, held under Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs and with Patrick McManus as their representative.

Ireland joins the Donor Platform Board2023-06-01T13:36:42+02:00