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Podcast | Ji-Yeun Rim, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)


Ji-Yeun Rim is a Senior Policy Analyst at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). She also co-chairs the Donor Platform’s Thematic Working Group on Rural Youth Employment.  She shares her aspirations for the working group and how it plays a part in making development happen.

Podcast | Ji-Yeun Rim, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)2024-08-12T14:33:47+02:00

ILO: Decent Jobs for Rural Youth Online Training


7–18 October 2024 | An online course offered by ILO’s International Training Centre to provide an in-depth understanding of the context of rural employment in developing countries, outlining the challenges faced by rural youth, and young women in particular. It will explore the various policy elements and intervention approaches that are needed to support rural youths.

ILO: Decent Jobs for Rural Youth Online Training2024-08-08T16:57:13+02:00

OECD: Development Co-operation Report 2024


The global green transition is a critical priority, but it risks overshadowing another urgent crisis: the deepening poverty and inequality in low and middle-income countries.This report offers policymakers concrete ways of delivering on their commitments, to reconcile these competing priorities, improve the lives of billions while fostering a greener, more equitable world.

OECD: Development Co-operation Report 20242024-08-05T08:42:36+02:00

Elevating the potential of rural youth: Paths to Decent Jobs and Sustainable Futures


The ILO's new policy brief tackles the challenge of creating decent jobs for rural youth. It explores ways to address limited skills and resources faced by young people, while highlighting the potential of rural areas for job creation, especially in agriculture and green economies.

Elevating the potential of rural youth: Paths to Decent Jobs and Sustainable Futures2024-07-15T13:59:29+02:00

Blog – Combatting hunger and poverty through rural youth employment


Key messages from the webinar “Combatting hunger and poverty through rural youth employment” jointly organized by OECD and BMZ on 13 May 2024. The event was an opportunity to reflect on the efforts made by G20 countries and international organizations as well as the civil society to spur job creation for rural youth and discuss best ways forward.

Blog – Combatting hunger and poverty through rural youth employment2024-05-27T16:16:40+02:00

Feeding the future: Policy pathways to resilient food systems


Interview with Lee Ann Jackson, Head of the Agro-Food Trade and Markets Division at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). She provides an overview of the OECD’s role in providing data and policy recommendations to governments for informed decisions. Food systems and agricultural trade are an important focus of her work.

Feeding the future: Policy pathways to resilient food systems2024-05-24T15:00:14+02:00

Land Projects and Programmes Database


In continued efforts to improve access to data and information on land governance issues, the Global Donor Working Group on Land and the Land Portal Foundation have updated the Land Projects and Programmes Database, now containing 3871 projects.

Land Projects and Programmes Database2024-04-19T16:10:18+02:00

Young, Green, and Digital: Global Conference on Decent Jobs for Youth


22-23 May 2024 | Kigali, Rwanda |Hybrid. The Conference aims to accelerate efforts at the global, regional and country levels to improve the lives of young people around the world. It will bring together a diverse range of leaders – governments, businesses, educators, and young people themselves.

Young, Green, and Digital: Global Conference on Decent Jobs for Youth2024-05-27T16:20:06+02:00

G20 Brazil 2024 Summit


18-19 November 2024 | Rio de Janeiro | In-person. The G20 Summit marks the culmination of efforts undertaken by the country holding the group's rotating presidency. It's a moment for world leaders to endorse agreements negotiated throughout the year and chart a course for tackling global challenges. Leaders from all 19 member countries, along with the African Union and the European Union, are expected to attend.

G20 Brazil 2024 Summit2024-04-12T11:14:20+02:00