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Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals across the world: The 2019 Joint Synthesis Report of the European Union and its Member States


The 2019 Joint Synthesis Report of the European Union and its Member States This report provides a short summary of how the EU and its Member States are supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in developing countries through

Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals across the world: The 2019 Joint Synthesis Report of the European Union and its Member States2022-09-23T15:23:11+02:00

EU Achievements in Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture, 2014-2018


This publication highlights how the EU is supporting countries and institutions to address numerous challenges facing food security, improved nutrition, and sustainable agriculture, and to seize opportunities to further their development. Links

EU Achievements in Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture, 2014-20182022-08-22T11:38:46+02:00

Former GIZ executive joins IFAD as Vice-President


Cornelia Richter, a former Managing Director and member of the Executive Committee of the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), joined the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) as Vice-President. IFAD is a specialised agency of the United Nations,

Former GIZ executive joins IFAD as Vice-President2022-08-31T10:41:57+02:00

Strong markets, sustainable resource use and effective policy at the centre of agricultural aid


Agriculture has a prominent place in the New Australia Foreign Policy White Paper 2017. The document recognises the rising pressure on the agricultural products supply, directly linking it to the Asian economic growth, urbanisation and expanding middle class. Building

Strong markets, sustainable resource use and effective policy at the centre of agricultural aid2022-08-30T16:13:47+02:00