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OECD: Towards Greener and More Inclusive Societies in Southeast Asia


This new OECD report provides policy makers of the region with fresh evidence on the potential effects of climate change and the green transition on jobs and people. Join policy makers and experts in this hybrid event to discover the report's key findings, and discuss social policy priorities for Southeast Asia.

OECD: Towards Greener and More Inclusive Societies in Southeast Asia2024-02-20T15:28:57+01:00

YP2LE Learning Network Event: Virtual Roundtable on Climate-Smart Solutions for Rural Youth


21 FEBRUARY 2024 | 9:30:30-10:45 EST| Virtual. This webinar aims to facilitate knowledge sharing around efforts and strategies to foster youth employment in rural contexts, with a focus on climate-smart business models for youth in the agri-food sector.

YP2LE Learning Network Event: Virtual Roundtable on Climate-Smart Solutions for Rural Youth2024-02-22T12:02:52+01:00

G7 2024 Leaders’ Summit


13-15 June 2024 | Apulia, Italy Links For the seventh time, Italy assumed the Presidency of the G7 from January 1, 2024 until December 31, 2024. The G7

G7 2024 Leaders’ Summit2024-06-20T11:20:45+02:00