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2023 ILO Rural Development Academy


The 2023 edition of the ILO Rural Development Academy. This training and learning event will be held in blended modality with an on-line phase from 13 to 24 November and a face-to-face phase from 4 to 8 December 2023 in the ITC, Turin, Italy.

2023 ILO Rural Development Academy2023-10-03T12:32:09+02:00

2023 Goalkeepers Report


Imagine a world where innovations could save the lives of 2 million more mothers and babies. Links Co-authored by foundation Co-chairs Melinda French Gates and

2023 Goalkeepers Report2023-11-03T13:53:41+01:00

Partners for change – network meeting on transforming agricultural and food systems


At the network meeting "Partners for change - Transformation to a food secure, resilient and sustainable future", almost 250 participants from over 20 countries came together to exchange experiences and ideas on the transformation of agricultural and food systems.

Partners for change – network meeting on transforming agricultural and food systems2023-09-28T15:03:43+02:00

Launch of Hesat2030: a global roadmap to end hunger sustainably, nutritiously, and equitably


Building on the foundations of Ceres2030: Sustainable Solutions to End Hunger, FAO, the Shamba Centre for Food & Climate and the University of Notre Dame have launched Hesat2030: a global roadmap to end hunger sustainably, nutritiously, and equitably.

Launch of Hesat2030: a global roadmap to end hunger sustainably, nutritiously, and equitably2023-09-28T15:32:36+02:00

Policy Brief: Private sector and food security


The global community is facing escalating acute food insecurity crises, predominantly in SubSaharan Africa, due to climate change, the Russia–Ukraine conflict, and COVID-19 shocks. Related impacts on donor government budgets, domestic conflicts and limited fiscal capacity in countries already

Policy Brief: Private sector and food security2023-08-11T13:59:59+02:00

2023 UN Food Systems Stocktaking Moment


The Stocktaking Moment will take place in Rome, Italy from 24 – 26 July 2023, at the premises of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It will be hosted by Italy, in collaboration with the Rome-based UN Agencies (FAO, IFAD, WFP), the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub and the wider UN system.

2023 UN Food Systems Stocktaking Moment2023-08-11T15:33:31+02:00