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AFD – The goal of Zero Hunger by 2030 will be hard to achieve


War, climate change, droughts, and other weather events are all making the struggle to end hunger and malnutrition even more difficult. Read this interview with Matthieu Le Grix, head of AFD’s Agriculture, Rural Development and Biodiversity Department, who warns

AFD – The goal of Zero Hunger by 2030 will be hard to achieve2022-11-01T18:35:30+01:00

USAID – Administrator Samantha Power at the World Food Prize Borlaug International Dialogue


USAID Administrator Samantha Power called for an acceleration and expansion of agricultural investment as a critical pillar of addressing current and future global food crises, and announced new USAID initiatives to spur research to improve agricultural production around the

USAID – Administrator Samantha Power at the World Food Prize Borlaug International Dialogue2022-11-01T18:34:31+01:00