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2023 UN Food Systems Stocktaking Moment


The Stocktaking Moment will take place in Rome, Italy from 24 – 26 July 2023, at the premises of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It will be hosted by Italy, in collaboration with the Rome-based UN Agencies (FAO, IFAD, WFP), the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub and the wider UN system.

2023 UN Food Systems Stocktaking Moment2023-08-11T15:33:31+02:00

Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition


This report has been produced by the HLPE-FSN at the request from the CFS to analyse quantitative and qualitative evidence regarding how inequalities within food systems impede opportunities to overcome food insecurity and malnutrition. The report seeks to identify

Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition2023-09-28T15:57:36+02:00

Land Records and Transaction Systems Technology Toolkit


This Land Records and Transaction System Assessment and Design Toolkit is intended for practitioners in both the public and private sectors to identify optimal technology approaches for strengthened land administration.

Land Records and Transaction Systems Technology Toolkit2023-08-11T14:27:27+02:00

Farmer-Centric Data Governance: Towards A New Paradigm


The potential benefits of digital agriculture are prolific. However, farm data is generally collected by others, and smallholder farmers rely on external resources, like weather data, and proprietary tools that provide specific advisories. Farmers face a paradox: while the

Farmer-Centric Data Governance: Towards A New Paradigm2023-04-14T16:49:59+02:00

IFPRI: 2023 Global Food Policy Report Launch


Join the launch of IFPRI’s 2023 Global Food Policy Report, which explores evidence-based policy and governance solutions that can provide better early warning and rapid response, increase resilience of food systems, protect the livelihoods of women and marginal groups and ensure their inclusion in crisis response, and address the impacts of conflict and migration.

IFPRI: 2023 Global Food Policy Report Launch2023-06-07T14:56:01+02:00