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OECD – The Future Africa Wants: Better Policies for the Next Generation and a Sustainable Transition


Can innovative policies and international partnerships help address: the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic? insufficient development finance? fast rising food and energy prices? the reshaping of global value chains? and the need for better opportunities for African youth?

OECD – The Future Africa Wants: Better Policies for the Next Generation and a Sustainable Transition2023-06-07T14:56:53+02:00

High-Level Commemoration of CFS VGGT 10-year Anniversary


As part of the 10th anniversary commemoration of The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the context of National Food Security (CFS VGGT), CFS and FAO’s land tenure unit are jointly organizing a high-level event on Friday, 27 May 2022, 12:30 – 14:30 CET to assess lessons learned over the past ten years;

High-Level Commemoration of CFS VGGT 10-year Anniversary2023-06-07T14:56:50+02:00

Global Land Forum 2022


Six relevant themes for Jordan and the region: - Decentralization - Climate change - Rural youth - Partnership building - Women's equal rights - Peace-building

Global Land Forum 20222023-06-07T14:56:49+02:00

XV World Forestry Congress


The XV World Forestry Congress will take place from 2 to 6 May 2022 in Seoul under the theme "Building a Green, Healthy and Resilient Future with Forests" to further develop the outcomes of major global events scheduled before the Congress, including the Rio Conventions’ Conferences of the Parties. the IUCN World Conservation Congress and the UN Food Systems Summit.

XV World Forestry Congress2023-06-07T14:56:56+02:00

Webinar: Green Jobs for Rural Youth


Agriculture and food systems need to transform in ways that produce sustainable and inclusive practices and outcomes, including more and better jobs for young women and men. Promoting green jobs for and with rural youth can contribute to such a transformation, while helping address the underemployment crisis and acknowledging and further engaging youth in agriculture, food and associated sectors.

Webinar: Green Jobs for Rural Youth2023-06-07T14:56:10+02:00

Youth Forum. Covid-19 Recovery: Youth Taking Action for a Sustainable Future


The Youth Forum will address the theme of ECOSOC and the 2022 UN High-level Political Forum on sustainable development (HLPF) on “Building back better from COVID- 19 while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda.” It will also review progress in the areas of quality education (SDG4), gender equality (SDG5), life below water (SDG14), life on land (SDG15) and partnerships for the goals (SDG17).

Youth Forum. Covid-19 Recovery: Youth Taking Action for a Sustainable Future2023-06-07T14:56:56+02:00

Transforming Food Systems for Rural Prosperity: How Do Nutrition and Environment Fit In?


This is the second of the series of debates to discuss key actions and recommendations from the RDR. If and why they are relevant, what are the obstacles and barriers encountered to achieve desirable transformation and what are the opportunities and potential benefits to achieve equitable, sustainable, healthy, and environmentally friendly food systems that work for everyone especially people in rural areas.

Transforming Food Systems for Rural Prosperity: How Do Nutrition and Environment Fit In?2023-06-07T14:56:55+02:00

A Multi-Billion-Dollar Opportunity: Repurposing Agricultural Support to Transform Food Systems


This joint FAO-UNDP-UNEP report calls for governments to rethink the way agriculture is subsidized and supported. The majority (87%) of $540 billion of support to agricultural producers is either price distorting or harmful to nature and health. Repurposing this

A Multi-Billion-Dollar Opportunity: Repurposing Agricultural Support to Transform Food Systems2022-09-23T13:08:50+02:00

International Cooperation Forum Switzerland 2022


The challenges for international cooperation (IC) have grown more complex. On the one hand, poverty has taken on added dimensions; on the other, global challenges are increasingly demanding global responses. Although the social and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been severe, climate change will remain the greatest risk and challenge facing humanity in the 21st century.

International Cooperation Forum Switzerland 20222023-06-07T14:56:51+02:00