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Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021


The Tokyo Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit provides a historic opportunity to transform the way the world tackles the global challenge of malnutrition.

Nutrition for Growth Summit 20212023-06-07T14:56:53+02:00

Jobs for Rural Youth: The Role of Local Food Economies


A study, co-financed by the EU, looks in-depth at the current employment situation of youth in the food economy in 5 sub-Saharan African countries (Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia) and 2 Southeast Asian countries (Thailand and Viet Nam) and makes an employment forecast for 2030 of the different segments within the food economy.

Jobs for Rural Youth: The Role of Local Food Economies2023-06-07T14:56:52+02:00

European Development Days 2021


Biodiversity loss, climate change and environmental degradation are defining challenges of our generation and require more coordinated and incisive international efforts. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the interlinkages between human health and an healthy planet. The post COVID recovery should be an opportunity to build back greener and more inclusive societies and economies.

European Development Days 20212023-06-07T14:56:47+02:00

Foreign Ministry of Finland: Report on Development Policy Extending Across Parliamentary Terms


The Report on Development Policy sets out the activities and objectives for Finland’s development policy and development cooperation. The purpose is to strengthen Finland’s long-term approach to development policy and development cooperation from the perspective of principles, values and

Foreign Ministry of Finland: Report on Development Policy Extending Across Parliamentary Terms2022-09-23T13:37:48+02:00

2021 Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC)


The GRFC is the reference document for a comprehensive analysis of global, regional and country-level acute food insecurity. The result of a collaborative effort among 16 partners, the report aims to inform humanitarian and development action by providing independent and consensus-based evidence and analysis.

2021 Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC)2024-04-25T09:18:21+02:00

Implementing EU Food and Nutrition Security Policy Commitments: Fourth Biennial Report


This is the fourth report highlighting progress made by the EU and its Member States towards implementing their common policy commitments on food and nutrition security. It is accompanied by a Commission staff working document (SWD) with further information

Implementing EU Food and Nutrition Security Policy Commitments: Fourth Biennial Report2022-09-23T13:47:46+02:00

STDF Annual Report 2019


Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) 2019 Annual Report - Facing the future: shaping safe trade outcomes for developing countries. Links STDF has recently published their 2019

STDF Annual Report 20192022-09-23T13:51:19+02:00