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STDF Strategy 2020 – 2024


Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) Strategy 2020-2024: Safe and Inclusive Trade Horizons for Developing Countries Links STDF has recently published their new STDF 2020 -2024 Strategy, with

STDF Strategy 2020 – 20242022-09-23T13:54:56+02:00

2020 Global Report on Food Crises


The Global Report on Food Crises 2020 is the result of a joint, consensus-based assessment of acute food insecurities around the world by 16 partner organizations. It is a flagship publication of a series of analytical products facilitated by

2020 Global Report on Food Crises2022-09-23T14:12:11+02:00

Finland’s Development Policy Results Report 2018


This comprehensive results report published by the ministry of Foreign Affairs Finland, describes how Finland has succeeded in its work in promoting global development goals for the past few years and presents the results of Finland’s development policy and

Finland’s Development Policy Results Report 20182022-09-23T14:45:03+02:00

School Meals for All – A Case Study of Finland


The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and Finnish National Agency for Education recently published a study of their social innovation programme, “School Feeding: Investment in Effective Learning”. The objective of this review was to provide a detailed example

School Meals for All – A Case Study of Finland2022-09-23T14:50:51+02:00

Second Biennial Review Report of the African Union Commission on the Implementation of the Malabo Declaration


Second Biennial Review Report of the African Union Commission on the Implementation of the Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods Links

Second Biennial Review Report of the African Union Commission on the Implementation of the Malabo Declaration2022-09-23T14:55:23+02:00

Global Land Tool Network Gender Strategy (2019–2030)


The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), a member of the Global Donor Platform’s Working Group on Land, launched their Gender Strategy (2019-2030) at a side event during the 2019 Conference on Land Policy in Africa, in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.

Global Land Tool Network Gender Strategy (2019–2030)2022-09-23T15:09:06+02:00

France’s International Strategy for Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture


Food insecurity currently affects 1 in 9 people worldwide. Despite the ongoing efforts, the situation has been worsening since 2015. In 2050, the world will need to provide appropriate nutrition for 10 billion humans and despite the effects of

France’s International Strategy for Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture2022-09-23T15:17:03+02:00