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CFS Bureau and Advisory Group Meeting 2021-2022


The Global Donor Platform for Rural Development will take part in the CFS Bureau and Advisory Group meeting on Friday 18 March 2022, during the agenda item “Substantive segment I: SDG 2 and Financing for Sustainable Development”. The Secretariat will make a presentation highlighting the GDPRD’s engagement in the donor community towards SDG2, rural development and food systems.

CFS Bureau and Advisory Group Meeting 2021-20222023-06-07T14:56:46+02:00

Peer-to-Peer Learning Forum in ACP Countries


Climate change and other forms of environmental degradation have negative impacts not only on ecosystems, but also on jobs and economies. In developing countries, vulnerable groups are likely to suffer the most from the changing weather patterns as they are more exposed to climate-related impacts and have less access to social and financial support, including social protection.

Peer-to-Peer Learning Forum in ACP Countries2023-06-07T14:56:54+02:00

Youth Employment & Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Agri-food System Transformation in Africa


The seminar brings together policy makers, youth representatives, business managers and development practitioners to discuss main challenges and solutions for youth employment in agri-food systems – from strengthening existing and developing new value chains, the business enabling environment, the development of business and job opportunities, to the role of young people in sustainable food systems transformation.

Youth Employment & Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Agri-food System Transformation in Africa2023-06-07T14:56:56+02:00

The Food System Midstream


The first in a series of debates on IFAD’s Rural Development Report to discuss the untapped potential of the food system midstreams - the activities after the farm gate, such as trading, storing, processing, and distributing to consumers. Innovation, finance, investments and entrepreneurship at this stage are key to expanding opportunities for small-scale producers.

The Food System Midstream2023-06-07T14:56:55+02:00

Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021


The Tokyo Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit provides a historic opportunity to transform the way the world tackles the global challenge of malnutrition.

Nutrition for Growth Summit 20212023-06-07T14:56:53+02:00