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2019 Global Report on Food Crises


The third annual Global Report on Food Crises highlights the plight of millions of people who must fight every day against acute hunger and malnutrition. The report also points the way towards solutions that can rebuild lives and livelihoods in

2019 Global Report on Food Crises2022-08-22T11:33:26+02:00

Fostering Territorial Perspective for Development


Territorial approaches are increasingly recognized as a powerful tool for improving development outcomes. This new white paper, released by a group of Platform members and partners provides an overview, discusses opportunities and calls for an international alliance to implement

Fostering Territorial Perspective for Development2022-08-22T11:46:57+02:00

Assessing the Costs of Tenure Risks to Agribusinesses


The Quantifying Tenure Risk is a joint initiative between the Overseas Development Institute and TMP Systems to provide data and analysis to reduce land conflict and improve land governance through better informed investment decisions. The study and tool is

Assessing the Costs of Tenure Risks to Agribusinesses2022-08-22T11:52:10+02:00

OECD Report: Agriculture, Food and Jobs in West Africa


The food economy is the biggest employer in West Africa accounting for 66% of total employment. While the majority of food economy jobs are in agriculture, off-farm employment in food-related manufacturing and service activities is increasing as the food

OECD Report: Agriculture, Food and Jobs in West Africa2022-09-30T10:54:17+02:00

Inclusive Development in Africa – The Role of Rural Transformation


The rapidly growing population in Africa and the expectations that urban population will rapidly increase, give even bigger importance to opening new opportunities for agriculture and the economic development of rural areas. At the expert meeting Rural and Regional

Inclusive Development in Africa – The Role of Rural Transformation2022-08-30T15:47:16+02:00