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Food System Economics Commission: Global Policy Report


The Food System Economics Commission (FSEC) has brought together leading experts to develop a unique economic model that maps for the first time the impacts of two possible futures for the global food system: our Current Trends pathway, and the Food System Transformation pathway.

Food System Economics Commission: Global Policy Report2024-03-27T16:34:39+01:00

Webinar series by SAFIN and USAID. Session 1 – Small tickets: Big returns


22 February 2024 | 14:00 to 15:00 CET | Virtual. Investors typically shy away from lending to smaller agricultural enterprises because the financial costs and risks often don’t match the financial returns of these investments. The first session of the SAFIN and USAID's ‘Backing the Middle’ webinar series explores this notion

Webinar series by SAFIN and USAID. Session 1 – Small tickets: Big returns2024-03-04T13:55:18+01:00

Youth Ahead: Policy Innovations to Create Opportunities for Young People in Africa’s Agrifood Systems


The 13th Malabo Montpellier Panel report – YOUTH AHEAD: Policy Innovations to Create Opportunities for Young People in Africa’s Agrifood Systems – reviews the challenges limiting young people’s engagement in agrifood systems and demonstrates opportunities to empower Africa’s youth in agrifood systems.

Youth Ahead: Policy Innovations to Create Opportunities for Young People in Africa’s Agrifood Systems2024-02-19T15:30:05+01:00

Zimbabwe Case Study – Youth Ahead: Policy Innovations to Create Opportunities for Young People in Africa’s Agrifood Systems


The 13th Malabo Montpellier Panel report – YOUTH AHEAD: Policy Innovations to Create Opportunities for Young People in Africa’s Agrifood Systems – reviews the challenges limiting young people’s engagement in agrifood systems and demonstrates opportunities to empower Africa’s youth in agrifood systems.

Zimbabwe Case Study – Youth Ahead: Policy Innovations to Create Opportunities for Young People in Africa’s Agrifood Systems2024-02-19T15:30:26+01:00

Zambia Case Study – Youth Ahead: Policy Innovations to Create Opportunities for Young People in Africa’s Agrifood Systems


The 13th Malabo Montpellier Panel report – YOUTH AHEAD: Policy Innovations to Create Opportunities for Young People in Africa’s Agrifood Systems – reviews the challenges limiting young people’s engagement in agrifood systems and demonstrates opportunities to empower Africa’s youth in agrifood systems.

Zambia Case Study – Youth Ahead: Policy Innovations to Create Opportunities for Young People in Africa’s Agrifood Systems2024-02-19T15:30:46+01:00

Uganda Case Study – Youth Ahead: Policy Innovations to Create Opportunities for Young People in Africa’s Agrifood Systems


The 13th Malabo Montpellier Panel report – YOUTH AHEAD: Policy Innovations to Create Opportunities for Young People in Africa’s Agrifood Systems – reviews the challenges limiting young people’s engagement in agrifood systems and demonstrates opportunities to empower Africa’s youth in agrifood systems.

Uganda Case Study – Youth Ahead: Policy Innovations to Create Opportunities for Young People in Africa’s Agrifood Systems2024-02-19T15:31:20+01:00

Ghana Case Study – Youth Ahead: Policy Innovations to Create Opportunities for Young People in Africa’s Agrifood Systems


The 13th Malabo Montpellier Panel report – YOUTH AHEAD: Policy Innovations to Create Opportunities for Young People in Africa’s Agrifood Systems – reviews the challenges limiting young people’s engagement in agrifood systems and demonstrates opportunities to empower Africa’s youth in agrifood systems.

Ghana Case Study – Youth Ahead: Policy Innovations to Create Opportunities for Young People in Africa’s Agrifood Systems2024-02-19T15:31:52+01:00

IFAD: Forty-seventh session of the Governing Council


The Governing Council is IFAD’s main decision-making body. It consists of all of IFAD’s Member States and meets annually. It is attended by the official Member State representatives, i.e. Governors, Alternate Governors and any other designated advisers. Observers are also invited to attend sessions.

IFAD: Forty-seventh session of the Governing Council2024-02-08T15:03:45+01:00

Co-ordination across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus


This paper provides a detailed analysis of co-ordination amongst organisations engaging in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. Exploring a spectrum of co-ordination approaches, this paper aims to inform policy discussions with a renewed attention on development effectiveness and coherent approaches.

Co-ordination across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus2024-01-19T15:13:23+01:00

The Development, Climate, and Nature Crisis: Solutions to End Poverty on a Livable Planet


To support the alignment of sustainable development priorities and actions with climate change risks and objectives, the World Bank launched the Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) in 2022. This core diagnostic tool aims to help countries prioritize the most impactful actions to boost resilience and adaptation and reduce GHG emissions, while delivering on broader development and sustainability objectives.

The Development, Climate, and Nature Crisis: Solutions to End Poverty on a Livable Planet2024-01-19T15:13:55+01:00