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Land Tenure and Sustainable Agri-food Systems Report


This policy document on land tenure and sustainable agri-food systems is a collaboration between the ILC, FAO and GLTN, with support from the GDPRD. The report stresses the critical importance of land access and land tenure for more sustainable agri-food production and consumption systems.

Land Tenure and Sustainable Agri-food Systems Report2022-09-23T11:55:02+02:00

Updates SDG Land Indicators


The objective of this page is to present the SDG land indicators 1.4.2 and 5.a.1. Links Multiple stakeholders in the international land community, including the Global

Updates SDG Land Indicators2022-09-05T11:36:21+02:00

Compendium: Donor Engagement with Rural Youth


In preparation to the Annual General Assembly 2018 “Young and ready to move – empowering the new generation in the rural space”, the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development commissioned a compendium “Donor engagement with rural youth”. The publication

Compendium: Donor Engagement with Rural Youth2022-09-01T15:46:47+02:00