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FAO Publications Catalogue 2023


This catalogue aims to improve the dissemination and outreach of FAO’s knowledge products and overall publishing programme. By providing information on its key publications in every area of FAO’s work, and catering to a range of audiences, it thereby

FAO Publications Catalogue 20232023-11-07T17:49:32+01:00

2023 Goalkeepers Report


Imagine a world where innovations could save the lives of 2 million more mothers and babies. Links Co-authored by foundation Co-chairs Melinda French Gates and

2023 Goalkeepers Report2023-11-03T13:53:41+01:00

Podcast | Jaron Porciello


In our latest segment, Jaron Porciello, Co-Director, Hesat2030 and Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame, tells us how AI has already made its mark in the agricultural sector and explores its role in reshaping global food systems. She underscores the need to address corporate ownership and regulation

Podcast | Jaron Porciello2024-03-04T12:10:57+01:00

The future of AI in food systems


Jaron Porciello is Co-Director of Hesat2030, Associate Professor at the University of Notre Dame. and a close partner of the Donor Platform. Jaron shares her insights on the present and future of artificial intelligence in rural development.

The future of AI in food systems2024-02-09T15:35:14+01:00

Launch of Hesat2030: a global roadmap to end hunger sustainably, nutritiously, and equitably


Building on the foundations of Ceres2030: Sustainable Solutions to End Hunger, FAO, the Shamba Centre for Food & Climate and the University of Notre Dame have launched Hesat2030: a global roadmap to end hunger sustainably, nutritiously, and equitably.

Launch of Hesat2030: a global roadmap to end hunger sustainably, nutritiously, and equitably2023-09-28T15:32:36+02:00

Policy Brief: Private sector and food security


The global community is facing escalating acute food insecurity crises, predominantly in SubSaharan Africa, due to climate change, the Russia–Ukraine conflict, and COVID-19 shocks. Related impacts on donor government budgets, domestic conflicts and limited fiscal capacity in countries already

Policy Brief: Private sector and food security2023-08-11T13:59:59+02:00

The Human Costs of the Food Crisis: How Price Spikes are Wreaking Havoc Across the Globe


The cost of food, fuel, and fertilizer in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities is continuing to escalate to crisis levels since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with families spending up to ten times what they paid almost 16

The Human Costs of the Food Crisis: How Price Spikes are Wreaking Havoc Across the Globe2023-11-03T10:09:53+01:00

Podcast | Jo Puri


In our latest segment, GDPRD Secretariat Coordinator Maurizio Navarra interviews Jo Puri, Associate Vice-President of Strategy and Knowledge Department at IFAD. Jo highlights the ethical imperative of using good data to inform decisions, emphasizing its role in understanding trade-offs and optimizing investments.

Podcast | Jo Puri2024-03-04T12:16:16+01:00