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ILO: Decent Jobs for Rural Youth Online Training


7–18 October 2024 | An online course offered by ILO’s International Training Centre to provide an in-depth understanding of the context of rural employment in developing countries, outlining the challenges faced by rural youth, and young women in particular. It will explore the various policy elements and intervention approaches that are needed to support rural youths.

ILO: Decent Jobs for Rural Youth Online Training2024-08-08T16:57:13+02:00

Launch of the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2024 report


24 July 2024 | 14:00 CEST / 9:00 GMT-3 | Webcast from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The UN's The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report will be launched in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at a special event on the margins of the G20 Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty Task Force Ministerial Meeting. The SOFI 2024 theme is "Financing to End Hunger, Food Insecurity and Malnutrition in All its Forms.

Launch of the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2024 report2024-07-26T08:35:42+02:00

Special Event on the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2024


15 July 2024 | 11:00 to 13:00 EDT | UNHG, New York Conference Room 2. FAO and its co-publishing partners will be presenting key messages of the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report at a Special Event in the margins of the ECOSOC High-Level Political Forum (HLPF).

Special Event on the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 20242024-07-24T13:53:44+02:00

Land Projects and Programmes Database


In continued efforts to improve access to data and information on land governance issues, the Global Donor Working Group on Land and the Land Portal Foundation have updated the Land Projects and Programmes Database, now containing 3871 projects.

Land Projects and Programmes Database2024-04-19T16:10:18+02:00

G20 Brazil 2024 Summit


18-19 November 2024 | Rio de Janeiro | In-person. The G20 Summit marks the culmination of efforts undertaken by the country holding the group's rotating presidency. It's a moment for world leaders to endorse agreements negotiated throughout the year and chart a course for tackling global challenges. Leaders from all 19 member countries, along with the African Union and the European Union, are expected to attend.

G20 Brazil 2024 Summit2024-04-12T11:14:20+02:00

GDPRD 2023 Annual General Assembly Highlights


Key messaging and speaker quotes are captured in this short report of the Annual General Assembly (AGA) convened on 26 and 27 October 2023. The AGA was a chance to celebrate the Platform’s 20th anniversary and reflect on how the donor landscape in agriculture, rural development and food systems has evolved.

GDPRD 2023 Annual General Assembly Highlights2024-07-25T10:50:36+02:00

Understanding the new agriculture and food agenda: How is the past shaping the future?


There has never been a greater need for coordinated donor investments and collaboration that align with partner countries' needs and priorities. This flagship report is the culmination of a year-long workstream on donor coordination conducted by the GDPRD and includes key messages and recommendations for donors to consider in the way forward.

Understanding the new agriculture and food agenda: How is the past shaping the future?2024-07-25T10:49:30+02:00

The Status of Women in Agrifood Systems


The status of women in agrifood systems report uses extensive new data and analyses to provide a comprehensive picture of women’s participation, benefits, and challenges they face working in agrifood systems globally. The report shows how increasing women’s empowerment and gender equality in agrifood systems enhances women’s well-being and the well-being of their households, creating opportunities for economic growth, greater incomes, productivity and resilience.

The Status of Women in Agrifood Systems2023-12-18T14:30:55+01:00