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Finance in Common Summit 2023


For the fourth consecutive year, all Public Development Banks (PDBs) will convene to strengthen their partnership and reinforce their commitments in support of common actions for climate change and sustainable development.

Finance in Common Summit 20232023-09-14T15:48:32+02:00

78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 78)


The theme of the General Assembly’s 78th session will be ‘Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity: Accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals towards peace, prosperity, progress and sustainability for all’.

78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 78)2023-09-14T15:50:36+02:00

Africa Food Systems Forum 2023


Africa’s Food Systems Forum 2023 Summit’s theme, “Recover, Regenerate, Act: Africa’s Solutions to Food Systems Transformation,” focuses on building back better food systems and food sovereignty with youth and women at the center.

Africa Food Systems Forum 20232023-09-14T15:51:37+02:00

The future of AI in food systems


Jaron Porciello is Co-Director of Hesat2030, Associate Professor at the University of Notre Dame. and a close partner of the Donor Platform. Jaron shares her insights on the present and future of artificial intelligence in rural development.

The future of AI in food systems2024-02-09T15:35:14+01:00

Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition


This report has been produced by the HLPE-FSN at the request from the CFS to analyse quantitative and qualitative evidence regarding how inequalities within food systems impede opportunities to overcome food insecurity and malnutrition. The report seeks to identify

Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition2023-09-28T15:57:36+02:00

In an era of ‘fake’, good data is even more critical


Jo Puri is the Associate Vice-President of Strategy and Knowledge Department at IFAD and a close partner of the Donor Platform. Jo shares her vast experience and insight on all things data and how standard use of good data could be the game-changer in transforming food systems.

In an era of ‘fake’, good data is even more critical2024-02-09T15:33:30+01:00