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Elevating the potential of rural youth: Paths to Decent Jobs and Sustainable Futures


The ILO's new policy brief tackles the challenge of creating decent jobs for rural youth. It explores ways to address limited skills and resources faced by young people, while highlighting the potential of rural areas for job creation, especially in agriculture and green economies.

Elevating the potential of rural youth: Paths to Decent Jobs and Sustainable Futures2024-07-15T13:59:29+02:00

Blog – Combatting hunger and poverty through rural youth employment


Key messages from the webinar “Combatting hunger and poverty through rural youth employment” jointly organized by OECD and BMZ on 13 May 2024. The event was an opportunity to reflect on the efforts made by G20 countries and international organizations as well as the civil society to spur job creation for rural youth and discuss best ways forward.

Blog – Combatting hunger and poverty through rural youth employment2024-05-27T16:16:40+02:00

Special Event on the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2024


15 July 2024 | 11:00 to 13:00 EDT | UNHG, New York Conference Room 2. FAO and its co-publishing partners will be presenting key messages of the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report at a Special Event in the margins of the ECOSOC High-Level Political Forum (HLPF).

Special Event on the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 20242024-07-24T13:53:44+02:00

Webinar: Combatting hunger and poverty through rural youth employment


13 May 2024, 13:00-14:30 CEST | OECD Development Centre and German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development | Virtual. This webinar offers a timely opportunity to reflect on efforts made by G20 countries and international organisations as well as the civil society to spur job creation for rural. Participants will discuss how to scale up effective approaches to support rural development policies and better respond to developing countries’ priorities.

Webinar: Combatting hunger and poverty through rural youth employment2024-05-27T16:14:20+02:00

G20 Brazil 2024 Summit


18-19 November 2024 | Rio de Janeiro | In-person. The G20 Summit marks the culmination of efforts undertaken by the country holding the group's rotating presidency. It's a moment for world leaders to endorse agreements negotiated throughout the year and chart a course for tackling global challenges. Leaders from all 19 member countries, along with the African Union and the European Union, are expected to attend.

G20 Brazil 2024 Summit2024-04-12T11:14:20+02:00